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Hogwarts Regenerated

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Hogwarts Regenerated

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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?

2 posters

    Antoni Brown

    Antoni Brown
    Antoni Brown

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2012-11-04

    Antoni Brown  Empty Antoni Brown

    Post by Antoni Brown Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:39 pm

    Antoni Brown

    Antoni Brown   *Insert photo of your character*

    *Man is born free; yet everywhere he is in chains

    Antoni Brown  Whats_10
    Name: Antoni Curtis Brown
    Nickname: Cookie. Bert. Ant. Toni
    Age: 23
    Date of Birth: 5/30
    Birthplace: Seattle, Washington
    Current Home: Nashville, Tennessee
    Blood Purity: Halfblood
    Gender: Male
    Sexual alignment: Heterosexual
    Job: Promoting & Selling Weapons in an illegal weaponry business

    Antoni Brown  Man_in12
    Face Claim: Sean O'Pry
    Body type: Muscular, tall
    Height: 6'1"
    Hair: It is usually spiked up, with gel.
    Eyes: Blue
    Unique features: He has a tattoo on right shoulder blade of lion
    Dressing style: He wears clothing that doesn't draw attention to him, but gives off a air of a bad boy. Leather jackets, spiked hair, cold blue eyes he makes people wary of him. Wears jeans, tight shirts, and leather jackets usually. And tennis shoes because they are easy to run in, just in case.

    Antoni Brown  Strong10
    Likes: American Football, beer, lions, Rock Music, gambling, telling people off
    Dislikes: loosing, rats, reading, killing, having a lack of money
    Fears: being caught, not being able to gamble, cockroaches
    Strengths: Sneaking around, gamble, being able to avoid fights
    Weaknesses: Gamble, football, old friends, money
    Personality: Antoni is an serious guy, but can be affectionate and playful when wanted. He likes getting the job done, one way or another, in determination to get paid. The things that drive him is money, and respect. Antoni wants to go up higher in the business, but doesn't have the potential.

    If you first meet him, you get the instinct to run away or you respect the man. If you know him though, you understand that he just as a tough exterior, but a soft interior. He is loyal to you, and will help you in a time of need.

    Antoni Brown  We_are10
    Full name: Daniel Antoni Brown /Age: 58 /Occupation: Somewhere underground /Species: Human /Status: deceased
    Full name:Maryanne Brown nee Edison /Age: 58 /Occupation: America /Species: Human /Status: Living
    Siblings: n/a
    Name: /Age(or age they died at): /Species: /Status(living or deceased):
    Obligatory only if you want your character to have a pet.
    Antoni was born on May 30, in his parent's current house. He was raised with parents who were polar opposites - Father money hungry (something he inherited from him), and his mother satisfied with her meager life. She taught Antoni how to save his money wisely and treat people with respect, his father taught him the importance of money. The best way of life was rich, wealthy.

    He went to Hogwarts when he was eleven, and got sorted into Slytherin. His father wasn't very happy (he was a gryffindor) but accepted the fact. His mom didn't care, being a muggle herself. He enjoyed his years at Hogwarts, pickpocketing people, while acting like the model student. His was considered the cool one, because he was always able to escape trouble.

    When he was fifteen, his father started sending him off to his grandfathers house. Antoni enjoyed the visits, for two reasons. His 'Step-Grandmother' (who was around his age, for explanation Click Here) was a person he enjoyed the company of. In fact, at one point, he had a small crush. Though that faded quickly, after his visits were forbidden after his grandfather found found that his father was stealing money from him.

    He was angry at his father for this. He never did talk to his father again, and didn't visit his funeral when his father died at the cause of lung cancer. Antoni finally realized the greed and selfishness his father possessed, and tried to get rid of the bad money habits that Antoni got from his father. No matter was Antoni did though, he got worse. He started gambling -almost lost his life a few times because of not paying the full amount of money. Eager to get more money coming in, he went into an illegal weaponry business, to keep money flowing in. It worked but he stayed at the lower hierarchy of the business.

    Antoni Brown  Spell_10
    Favourite Spell: stupefy
    Signature Spell: Tarantallegra
    Patronus: snake

    Antoni Brown  Gimme_10
    Wand: Cherry Tree, Griffin hair, solid, ten inches
    Other belongings:

    Antoni Brown  You_go10
    Sixth Year
    Sixth Year

    Posts : 2590
    Join date : 2011-02-20
    Age : 28
    Location : In Your Bed

    Antoni Brown  Empty Re: Antoni Brown

    Post by Karmzy Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:06 am

    Antoni Brown  Profil15

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