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Hogwarts Regenerated

Hello and welcome to Hogwarts Regenerated. We have moved over to http://z13.invisionfree.com/HogwartsRegenerated/index.php? come join us!!

Hogwarts Regenerated

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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?

    Family for the poor?

    Aurora Lavesque
    Aurora Lavesque

    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2012-02-11

    Family for the poor? Empty Family for the poor?

    Post by Aurora Lavesque Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:25 pm

    Hi guys! Anyways, Iwant to elaborate on Rora's plot a little bit, so I'd like to hav somone play her little sister, Azalea. If you hate the name, you can change it. Since Rora's very happy and outgoing and bubbly, I'd say her sister is the opposite;studious and quiet and a little on the shy side. She and Rora are close, though. For face claim, I'm thinkin Elle Fanning; Azalea's thirteen. Thanks to whoever picks this up Very Happy

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:17 pm